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About Net Zero


☀ What is net zero emissions?


Net zero emissions refer to the minimization of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions through regulations and related reduction measures, allowing for a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sinks.


☀How to achieve net zero emissions?

☀Taiwan 2050 net zero emissions


In 2021, the government declared that the net zero transformation in 2050 is a global goal and a goal for Taiwan. In March 2022,the National Development Council and other relevant departments jointly proposed the "Taiwan 2050 Net Zero Emissions Path And Strategy Summary".



The amendment to the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act" was passed by the Legislative Yuan on January 10, 2023, and was promulgated by the President on February 15th of the same year, renamed as the "Climate Change Response Act", which explains the government's ambition to move towards net zero in sync with the world.



It actively constructs a more resilient legal system and hopes that the entire country will work together to create a scene of economic growth and environmental balance.